Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kansas says no smoking, please

The Kansas Legislature has passed a ban on smoking in public places and workplaces. House Bill 2221 was signed by the governor on 3/12/2010. You can find the full text of this bill at

You can learn who introduced the bill and who were the proponents and opponents from the Supplemental Note available at . The bill would ban smoking and make the act of smoking in the following places a cigarette or tobacco infraction:

Public places;
Taxicabs and limousines;
Restrooms, lobbies, hallways and other common areas in
public and private buildings, condominiums and other
multiple-residential facilities;
Restrooms, lobbies, and other common areas in hotels
and motels and in at least 80 percent of the guest sleeping
quarters within a hotel or motel;
Access points of all buildings and facilities unless the
building or facility is exempted by the bill; and
Any place of employment.

The smoking ban goes into effect July 1, 2010.

Article contact: Kim Harp

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